Community Kitchen

Community Kitchen activities get community members involved in the whole meal process from start to finish. Participants learn concrete skills and recipes while trying new foods and recreating timeless favourites.

We partner with local organizations to host special activities like school group cooking classes or evening cooking lessons for new mothers. At the end of our cooking, we dig in! Sharing the fruits of our labour with fellow community members and bringing hearty meals home to our loved ones.

We also host Big Meal Serves which offer hot healthy meals to approximately 250 individuals. Our big serves are for all community members and are announced on our facebook page and on local radio. If you’d like to help behind the scenes on our next serve let us know!

"I have a lot of good memories at Sirivik. Serving food to make people happy – seeing people happy!"

Samwillie Tullaugak, Participant since 2018

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